Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Off and running... (yes, pun intended)


We are up and going, looking to achieve our goals for the year. If you're feeling a little tired and sore-join the club. Here is a list of this season's meets to help you plan for the next couple of months.

8/29- Firth Mud Run @ Sandy Downs
9/9- Star Valley Invitational @ Cedar Creek
9/18- Jackson Hole Invite @ Teton Villiage
9/26- Bob Firman @ Eagle Island State Park-Boise
9/30- Bear Lake Invitational
10/10- Bob Conley Invitational @ Pocatello
10/16- Regionals @ Evanston
10/24- State @ Sheridan

*11/14- Nike Northwest Regional @ Boise

*The powers that be at Nike has moved Wyoming from the Southwest Regional to the Northwest which is much closer for us. We can take full teams and/or individuals who would like to participate.

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